Notice: The heating pad will have a very high temperature when poweredmon. To prevent skin burns, pleasa put on the heat resistant gloves before any operation ofthis tool.
1 Turn on the power switch.
2 Set the working te.rrporature to 80°C
3 Put the device with broken screen onto the heating pad for a few minutes. The glue between the screen and frame should become softened, so the screen may be easily lifted. If it is still not easy,softened, so the screen may be easily lifted. If it is still not easy,
4.Remove the device from the heating pad, then clean up all the pieces of glassand glue from it. If the device cools down, and you are you are not done with the cleaning, you could put it back onto the heating pad to warm it up again.
5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you finish the clean up.
6.Put on the new screen for the device.
7.Put the device back onto the heating pad for 2-3 minutes to seal it up.